Mike Bloxham has worked in media and tech research and consulting for over 25 years, advising multinational corporations, media owners and government agencies on strategic marketing and communications issues. A recognized innovator and thought leader in the media space, he has extensive experience in attitudinal and behavioral research covering all media and marketing channels with an emphasis on the integration of emerging and traditional media across demographics.
At Magid, Mike works with colleagues to provide research and consulting solutions to clients regarding aspects of video across all platforms, from programming, marketing, advertising and distribution, through strategy, product development and pricing to consumer insights, user experience and more. He is also one of the lead executives on Magid’s EmotionalDNA®, a groundbreaking data set used by leaders across the media and entertainment ecosystem to inform and improve the efficacy of program development, green-lighting, diagnostics, scheduling, branding, marketing, advertising sales and more.
Prior to joining Magid, Mike led the Insight & Research team at Ball State University’s Center for Media Design where he and his colleagues became known for their large-scale observational research studies including the Middletown Media Studies and the Video Consumer Mapping Study for the Council for Research Excellence.